Throughout the years I’ve learned to look at my exercise routine as a daily journey. The past several years of my exercise journey have taught me key values like discipline, consistency and mental focus, as well as a comprehensive understanding of how our body works. These exercise incentives have taught me the value of regular exercise.
This questions unlocks the key to you enjoying your lifelong fitness journey.
Excellent question! People have all sorts of exercise incentives: to fit into that wedding dress they love, a desire to feel stronger, to gain more confidence, to clear one’s head after a long day of work – the list goes on. So with that, I’m going to answer the above question with another question:
How does keeping good health impact the things that are most meaningful to you in life?
Your health affects not only yourself, but also your family, friends, and loved ones.
For instance:
Does the ability to squat down and play with your grand-kids someday have any meaning to you?
How about feeling more energetic throughout your work day?
Do you want to be able to sleep better at night before those big business meetings in the mornings?
How about a stress release at the end of a long work day?
How important is your health for those home & gardening projects you love so much?
Here’s the key: We’ll only commit to a purpose if it adds value and meaning to our lives.
Stop and write down the things that are important to you in life. Really think about it. Your exercise incentives are personalized to you.
Keeping others in mind while exercising puts you into a different mindset.
Whether it’s family, business, hobbies, or personal well-being, there are exercise incentives in just about every area of our lives. This is why it’s so important to constantly remind ourselves of what (or whom) we’re exercising for. Doing so also keeps us consistent on our journey at times where we don’t feel like working out.
Here are some additional exercise incentives:
Increased lifespan
Oxygenated body
Reduced risk of diabetes
Improved memory
Decreased stress
Even if you’ve been putting off exercise for a while – don’t worry about it! Instead, recognize today as a new day and start celebrating the beginning of a new YOU!
Key takeaways:
Your health impacts the quality of those things which are valuable and meaningful to you in life
Your exercise incentives are unique and personalized to you
It’s important to constantly remind ourselves of what (or whom) we’re exercising for