In early 2016, my parents were on the verge of retirement and had the desire to begin living healthier lifestyles. One of the things they decided to do was join a gym. The problem, however, was that like many others around the world, they didn’t know where to begin. It was at this moment that I knew I could make a difference in people’s lives. That day, I learned that it wasn’t just about having the desire to exercise, it was about having the adequate resources. That year I decided to dedicate myself as an online resource for those who need a “How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle” guide.
What makes DFB unique?
Daily Fit Boost is where “fitness is made simple”. Instead of promising a “quick fix” or a “30-Day guarantee” like most other websites, I offer you a journey. It took a journey to get to where you are, so it’s going to take a journey to achieve your fitness goals. Just like we need that boost of caffeine to get us going in the morning, this site is uniquely geared towards providing you your daily boost of fitness!
What I’m working to accomplish with DFB?
The goal of this site is to eliminate as many “fitness excuses” as I can. Can’t afford a personal trainer in-person? Got you covered. Can’t go to the gym because of money or a busy schedule? No worries, it happens. No gym equipment at home? Let’s use your body weight. Chronic joint pain? Let’s try alternatives. “Too old, too fat, too lazy?” I disagree, let’s address that mindset.
Ultimately, I’m fully committed to out-working any “excuse” one may have by making fitness simple and fun!
What makes me so passionate about what I do?
I sincerely believe that we’re all put on this earth to help one another. I believe there’s at least one thing that each person on this planet is uncontrollably passionate about. For me, I discovered back in 2011 that my passion was in health and wellness. I soon found that I was able to help people in this area effortlessly and with great enthusiasm. I love how practical fitness is, and how it relates to everyday life. I believe that health and wellness is more of a journey than a goal. I love to help people feel good about themselves by building healthy habits and creating lasting change.
Education and Experience..
I graduated with my B.S. degree in Kinesiology (Athletic Training) from Fresno State, as well as my Master’s in Health Care Management from Cal State Bakersfield. My Grad School Thesis project, “Increasing Student Participation in the Student Recreation Center”, was the beginning of my journey to help change lifestyles. I also hold several health license and certifications which include Athletic Training (ATC/LAT), Ergonomics (CEAS), and Corrective Exercise (CES). My experience in both athletic and strength training has allowed to work with high school, college, and pro level athletes, along with general populations in the industrial field. As an industrial ATC, I’ve gained corporate success in consecutive years by helping develop safety and wellness guidelines for our Traffic and Warehouse departments, resulting in a #1 National Ranking in Safety (Frito-Lay Kern).
Furthermore, I currently work with Nike Basketball in providing athletic training services at EYBL Nike Tournaments across the nation, featuring the nation’s top ranked high school male and female athletes.
When I’m not helping change lives…
I enjoy spending quality time with my wife and family. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do effectively without their love and support. Some of my favorite past times include playing basketball, hiking, traveling, and working on video projects.