What’s Next? (Unfamiliar Opportunities) (#13)

Man busy at gym

While I’m a huge advocate of mastering what you already know, there comes a time where we internally ask ourselves, “what now?” As human beings, we’re naturally wired for goal achievement (this is why most of us don’t enjoy being bored). Psychologist Abraham Maslow takes this a step forward by referencing self-actualization as our deepest human need (ie. “fulfillment of our potential”).


Taking gradual steps in ‘unfamiliar territory’ gives us a chance to grow!


Take myself for instance.


For most of my life I was very timid around people I didn’t know. I showed traits of low self-esteem like avoiding eye contact, being stuck in my head, not giving honest opinions, and questioning myself. However, one day I decided it would be cool to share my fitness passions with others. I (very slowly) began journaling different health and fitness topics each day. Eventually I gained the confidence to share my ideas with friends, and today (years later) I’m here sharing these same ideas with YOU!


I went from being shy to sharing fitness tips in front of hundreds of employees!


So where are the unfamiliar opportunities in your life: Is it longer workouts? Consistent gym attendance  Public speaking? Trying a new machine?


Whatever it is, the best way to grow is by taking small, realistic steps at a time. For instance, it might be more beneficial to warm up with an unfamiliar cardio machine for 2-minutes instead of 15-minutes. When we view growth as a never-ending process it keeps us from the unnecessary temptation of doing “too much, too soon”.  As a friend used to tell me,


“The way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time”


Trying something new requires the risk of being “bad” the first couple of times – but no worries! Just remember: we ultimately become good at what we practice over and over again! 🙂


Reference Link: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html


Key Takeaways:

  • We long for fulfilled potential
  • Take small, gradual steps towards something unfamiliar
  • View growth as a “never-ending process”
  • We get good at what we practice

New Routine (#12)

Man bored at gym.

When I first started out at the gym my main focus was figuring out where to start. However, it wasn’t long before I noticed myself doing the same routine exercises. I needed a new routine to not only grow, but to also make my exercise more enjoyable. As it turns out:


Being stuck in an old routine prevents you from trying anything new.


If you’ve been looking or feeling like this lately, it’s probably time to switch up your routine.


Our brains function off habits which is why we have no problem adapting to routines. The downside to this, however, is that doing the same exercises ultimately decrease the effectiveness of our workouts.


Therefore, the more you switch things up, the more effective your workout becomes

Not only is switching up routine more fun, it also helps our body move in many new ways!


For instance, performing multiple styles of biceps curls will develop your arms better than any one exercise. In the same way, using different cardio equipment forces your body to work in various ways to effectively burn calories.


FIT BOOST CHALLENGE: Developing a diverse “Exercise Library” is a great way to keep your new routine effective and fun! Each week try to incorporate one new exercise or machine that you’re not familiar with. The goal is to build confidence by trying whatever is new to you. BONUS: This is also a great opportunity for you to journal your progress along the way.


As you become “comfortable with the unknown” you’ll soon notice how much fun your gym experience can be!


Key Takeaways:

  • Being stuck in an old routine prevents you from trying anything new
  • Switch up from your normal exercises for a more effective workout
  • Learning new exercises increases confidence