As kids, we often imagine ourselves as our favorite comic book heroes, athletes and action figures. Boys dream about being “Like Mike” shooting hoops. Girls fantasize about having the “dream guy” from classic Rom-Coms. However, somewhere along the line we stopped using these imaginations as we entered into “the real world” of adulthood.
But what if we can use our imagination to boost our workouts?
Your new image begins upstairs.
Whenever I find myself in a workout “funk” (which is more often than you think), I like to take the focus off my apathetic mood and onto something more invigorating.
Simply put: If my mindset isn’t engaged and focused, why not transform my mind into someone who is?
For instance, if I’m feeling “tired and disinterested” during my workout, I’d be much more effective envisioning myself in the shoes of an Army Commander preparing his troops for battle. Such a mindset helps keep the focus on the “task at hand” (rather than how we feel at the moment).
Imagine carrying this guy’s mentality the next time you don’t feeling like working out.
I mean think about it. What’s easier: constantly staring at how much time is left on your treadmill, or imagining yourself running on an indefinite, stress-free cross country jog like Forrest Gump?
Getting away in your mind is almost as impactful as actually being “gone”.
Staying motivated is a challenge we all face throughout our workout journeys. Our minds easily get distracted with things like how we feel, who’s watching us at the gym, and how our day went. One key benefit of using our imagination is that it keeps us engaged in our workouts while allowing our minds to drift. This strategy is particularly effective with overcoming self-conscious fear myths.
With consistent exercise you’ll inevitably face mental hurdles from time to time. This is why I try to equip you with as many mental strategies as possible. Learning how to overcome these mental hurdles is another step forward in becoming the strongest version of yourself.
Key Takeaways:
Transform an apathetic mindset into an engaged one
Tapping into your imagination during exercise is a great way to overcome mental hurdles when you need that extra “boost”
Using our imagination keeps us engaged in our workouts while allowing our minds to drift
A children’s study showed that kids who were praised solely for their intelligence couldn’t handle adversity as well as those who were praised for their effort.
When ability becomes one’s lone focus it leads to a fixed mindset. Effort, however, develops the growth mindset.
So which mindset are you aiming for?
Natural ability (without effort) has a capped ceiling.
As you see, our mindset plays a significant role in how we perceive challenges. The fixed mindset basically says “it is what it is”, while the growth mindset says, “I have an opportunity to challenge myself and grow”.
Let’s take a closer look at the two mindsets.
The Fixed Mindset says:
“I either can or can’t, period”
“Either you got it or you don’t”
“If I fail, I’m a failure”
“I’d rather stick to what I’m good at”
“That’s just the way it is”
“I give up when I’m frustrated”
“Everything is based on my abilities”
“I’m satisfied”
The Growth Mindset says:
“Hard work and effort can help me get to where I want to go”
“Practice and effort is the key to becoming skillful”
“Failure is something that I do, not who I am, and is a vital part of the learning process”
“I’d rather try new skills”
“What else can I improve at?”
“I persevere when I’m frustrated”
“Everything is based on my attitude and effort”
“Whats’s next?”
Here at Daily Fit Boost we focus on the process rather than the outcome and we NEVER stop growing! And the good news is that it’s never too late to switch from a fixed to a growth mindset once you realize it’s possible.
The effort required is based on each individual goal – and whether you think you can do it!
So let’s GROW!
As you work towards your fitness goals you’ll eventually get to a place where you develop effort-less habits.
Key Takeaways:
It’s better to be praised for your effort than your ability
Our mindset plays a significant role in how we perceive challenges
It’s never too late to shift to a growth mindset
* (Study Source: Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University and author of the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, studies mindset in children.)
So you’ve decided to embark upon a new daily exercise routine and today is Day 1. As you near the gym you begin going through your mental checklist:
Water bottle?
Comfortable workout shoes?
New gym membership?
But as you step foot inside the gym, you suddenly notice dozens of people walking around, stretching, and using funky looking equipment and you think to yourself
You’d be surprise how many first-timers gym users feel this way internally.
If you’ve had similar thoughts, I promise – you’re not alone! The overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start is something myself and many others have experienced our first time at the gym. Eventually, what worked for me was starting out with easy and familiar exercises. This kept me from feeling overwhelmed and fearful. My mindset at the time was simply:
‘Familiarity’ is key when first getting to the gym. Start with any exercise that easy for you to do!
Another way of saying this is to “become a master at what you already know”. Such a mindset helps calm your nerves when figuring out where to start at the gym.
For instance, if the treadmill is the only exercise machine that you’re familiar with, then start “treadmilling” away as if you’ve been doing it for years. Or perhaps you’d like to build muscles and the only exercise you’re familiar with are dumbbell curls. Your best bet is to walk right over to that dumbbell rack, pick up a suitable weight, and start curling away!
Walking on the treadmill is a great way to acclimate to any gym.
Not only does “mastering what you already know” help settle you down, it ultimately gives you that much needed sense of belonging in the gym.
Although it helps having a wider range of exercises down the line, you initially want to find your comfort zone. Comfort leads to confidence, and confidence will give you that “sense of belonging” you need in order to thrive!
“A little progress each day adds up to big results” -unknown
Key Takeaways:
We’ve all felt “lost” in the gym at one point
Become a master at what you already know: start easy and familiar
Being comfortable in the gym leads to confidence, confidence gives you a sense of belonging.
A SPECIAL THANKS: To Tracey for sharing how she turned her hard times into an active lifestyle! Also, check out Tracey’s Personal Chef’s Service “Crawford’s Cuisine” at: and also on Instagram @crawfordscuisine
A SPECIAL THANKS: To Tracey for sharing how she turned her hard times into an active lifestyle! Also, check out Tracey’s Personal Chef’s Service “Crawford’s Cuisine” at: and also on Instagram @crawfordscuisine