“DON’T BE THIS GUY!” (Daily Fit Boost Rant) (#27)

In today’s “microwave generation” of shortcuts and instant gratification we see these effects play out in our everyday lives, not just in one area, but in all areas, and perhaps the most troubling part is that the disorganized person who practices their disorganization privately is sure to also display these same traits in a public form as well, even at the expense of implementing safety hazards for others, however, such a “culturally accepted environment” also goes to show a lack of leadership in the ability of others to set a good precedent in taking the initiative to help keep public areas clean, regardless of others abandoning their individual duties to clean up after themselves, that being said, I’d like to challenge everyone to appreciate the value of equipment, recognize the impact that photos like these have on your personal safety, and to consider the message that it speaks to others when you pick up after yourself, I encourage you, at the expense of writing the “World’s Longest run-on sentence”, to NOT BE THAT GUY!


(Okay I feel better now, rant complete. 🙂 )


Key Takeaway:

  • Practice picking up your weights after yourself to provide a safe workout environment

“Different Equipment, Different Goals”: Weight Lift Machines (#22)

Weight lift Machines: “Recommended for the Beginner”


Ah, the lovely weight lift machines.


Back when I did personal training at the gym I would always start new clients off with weight lift machines for a few good reasons. For one, weight lift machines are the easiest to use due to their controlled design. Not only does this helps minimize injury, but it also eliminates the likelihood of improper lifting form.


Another thing I appreciate about weight lift machines is that they usually carry visuals on the targeted body muscle group, as well as instructions on how to properly operate them. I’ve had clients in the past who’ve shared how they felt self-conscious about looking “silly” in front of people because they didn’t know what to do. The good thing about using these machines when starting off is that everything is set up for you to look like a gym pro right away!


Try starting with these! Here are five of the most common weight machines that you’ll find at just about any gym:


  • Bicep curl machine


  • Chest fly machine


    • Triceps press machine


      • Back row machine


        • Leg press machine


        Next: “Different Equipment, Different Goals”: Cables 


        Key Takeaways:


        • are ideal for beginners
        • easily lets you know which muscle group you’re activating
        • enables the gym novice to look good right away when first starting out


New Routine (#12)

Man bored at gym.

When I first started out at the gym my main focus was figuring out where to start. However, it wasn’t long before I noticed myself doing the same routine exercises. I needed a new routine to not only grow, but to also make my exercise more enjoyable. As it turns out:


Being stuck in an old routine prevents you from trying anything new.


If you’ve been looking or feeling like this lately, it’s probably time to switch up your routine.


Our brains function off habits which is why we have no problem adapting to routines. The downside to this, however, is that doing the same exercises ultimately decrease the effectiveness of our workouts.


Therefore, the more you switch things up, the more effective your workout becomes

Not only is switching up routine more fun, it also helps our body move in many new ways!


For instance, performing multiple styles of biceps curls will develop your arms better than any one exercise. In the same way, using different cardio equipment forces your body to work in various ways to effectively burn calories.


FIT BOOST CHALLENGE: Developing a diverse “Exercise Library” is a great way to keep your new routine effective and fun! Each week try to incorporate one new exercise or machine that you’re not familiar with. The goal is to build confidence by trying whatever is new to you. BONUS: This is also a great opportunity for you to journal your progress along the way.


As you become “comfortable with the unknown” you’ll soon notice how much fun your gym experience can be!


Key Takeaways:

  • Being stuck in an old routine prevents you from trying anything new
  • Switch up from your normal exercises for a more effective workout
  • Learning new exercises increases confidence

So You Don’t Know Where to Start… (#1)

So you’ve decided to embark upon a new daily exercise routine and today is Day 1. As you near the gym you begin going through your mental checklist:


Water bottle?








Comfortable workout shoes?




New gym membership?




But as you step foot inside the gym, you suddenly notice dozens of people walking around, stretching, and using funky looking equipment and you think to yourself


You’d be surprise how many first-timers gym users feel this way internally.


If you’ve had similar thoughts, I promise – you’re not alone! The overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start is something myself and many others have experienced our first time at the gym. Eventually, what worked for me was starting out with easy and familiar exercises. This kept me from feeling overwhelmed and fearful. My mindset at the time was simply:


‘Familiarity’ is key when first getting to the gym. Start with any exercise that easy for you to do!


Another way of saying this is to “become a master at what you already know”. Such a mindset helps calm your nerves when figuring out where to start at the gym.


For instance, if the treadmill is the only exercise machine that you’re familiar with, then start “treadmilling” away as if you’ve been doing it for years. Or perhaps you’d like to build muscles and the only exercise you’re familiar with are dumbbell curls. Your best bet is to walk right over to that dumbbell rack, pick up a suitable weight, and start curling away!


Walking on the treadmill is a great way to acclimate to any gym.


Not only does “mastering what you already know” help settle you down, it ultimately gives you that much needed sense of belonging in the gym.


Although it helps having a wider range of exercises down the line, you initially want to find your comfort zone. Comfort leads to confidence, and confidence will give you that “sense of belonging” you need in order to thrive!


“A little progress each day adds up to big results” -unknown


Key Takeaways:

  • We’ve all felt “lost” in the gym at one point
  • Become a master at what you already know: start easy and familiar
  • Being comfortable in the gym leads to confidence, confidence gives you a sense of belonging.

How To Use Chest Fly Machine

How to use chest fly machine is key in helping you develop strong chest muscles along your fitness journey! In today’s video I go over proper set up of a chest fly machine before showing you how to use this awesome machine. Go into any gym CONFIDENTLY knowing how to use chest fly machine!

How To Start Working Out For The First Time

How to start working out for the first time is the starting point for anyone who’s ever exercised – you’re not alone! Today’s video goes over 5 simple steps on how to start working out for the first time!


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“Why Exercise?”


“It’s Not Too Late!”


“What’s Your Reason?”


“What Do You Wanna Get Out of this Exercise Journey?”


Fitness Beginner? Start HERE!