“The Beautiful Growth Mindset (Facing Challenges)” (#10)

Man smiling.

A children’s study showed that kids who were praised solely for their intelligence couldn’t handle adversity as well as those who were praised for their effort. 


When ability becomes one’s lone focus it leads to a fixed mindset. Effort, however, develops the growth mindset.


So which mindset are you aiming for?

Natural ability (without effort) has a capped ceiling.


As you see, our mindset plays a significant role in how we perceive challenges. The fixed mindset basically says “it is what it is”, while the growth mindset says, “I have an opportunity to challenge myself and grow”.


Let’s take a closer look at the two mindsets.

The Fixed Mindset says:

  • “I either can or can’t, period”
  • “Either you got it or you don’t”
  • “If I fail, I’m a failure”
  • “I’d rather stick to what I’m good at”
  • “That’s just the way it is”
  • “I give up when I’m frustrated”
  • “Everything is based on my abilities”
  • “I’m satisfied”
  • *Me-focused


The Growth Mindset says:

  • “Hard work and effort can help me get to where I want to go”
  • “Practice and effort is the key to becoming skillful”
  • “Failure is something that I do, not who I am, and is a vital part of the learning process”
  • “I’d rather try new skills”
  • “What else can I improve at?”
  • “I persevere when I’m frustrated”
  • “Everything is based on my attitude and effort”
  • “Whats’s next?”
  • *Mission-focused




Here at Daily Fit Boost we focus on the process rather than the outcome and we NEVER stop growing! And the good news is that it’s never too late to switch from a fixed to a growth mindset once you realize it’s possible.



The effort required is based on each individual goal – and whether you think you can do it!


So let’s GROW!


As you work towards your fitness goals you’ll eventually get to a place where you develop effort-less habits.


Key Takeaways:

  • It’s better to be praised for your effort than your ability
  • Our mindset plays a significant role in how we perceive challenges
  • It’s never too late to shift to a growth mindset

* (Study Source: Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University and author of the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, studies mindset in children.)

“Why Not Me?” (Effort) (#9)

Man looking at sky.
“Wow, that person seems like such a natural, I’d never be able to achieve that!”


If the above quote sounds familiar to you, no worries. In fact, the person writing this article has also feel victim to these thoughts on numerous occasion. While it’s easy to get visual overwhelmed at the sight of someone’s progress, we often slip into the trap of disregarding the hard work these people put in on a consistent basis. Today I’d like to challenge your thinking from “how did they?” to “why not me?”


Remember: The people who are in incredible shape weren’t born that way. 


I’m a firm believer that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, but rather focus our attention on becoming the strongest version of ourselves. Asking ourselves “why not me?” immediately shifts the focus to our personal potential.


It’s impossible to live up to someone else’s standards, so why not have fun and live up to your own?


For instance, instead of :


How in the world will I ever be able to lose 10 lbs as quickly as Laura did!?


How about:


“What’s stopping me from putting forth my own best effort like Laura and seeing what happens?”


One common denominator of success that I’ve noticed is that success begins with something each of us can control – our effort. Focusing on your best effort, rather than the result, enables you to realize you have less control over the results as you think.


Thankfully, having this type of process-mindset keeps you from comparing yourself with others and redirects your attention back to your progress.


So, if the first step towards your health and fitness goal is something that you can control (your effort), then why not you?


Key Takeaways:

  • Challenge your mindset by simply asking, “Why not me?”
  • Our attention should be on becoming the best version of ourselves
  • Achieving our fitness goals begin with something you can control – your personal effort.

True “Motivation”: Personal Desire (#7)

A couple years back a friend asked why I’d never done a bodybuilding show despite having a lean muscular physique. My main reasoning at the time was because I didn’t want to stick to the strict dieting required for a show prep. Eventually I gave in and reluctantly committed to a strict 3-month meal prep for a bodybuilding show. It wasn’t until this moment that I learned the difference between being motivated and having true personal desire for something.


The next three months where personal living hell.

Imagine eating like this for 3-months: Not fun.


During the next three months I struggled with what I call ‘passive motivation’. Passive motivation is when we do things “just because” which offer little-to-no value to us.


So despite still taking 2nd in my class and 3rd place overall, I couldn’t help but wonder how much better I could’ve done had this competition had any true value for me. This experience ultimately lead me to the simple conclusion that


We thrive when things are valuable to us – like staying healthy for family and friends. 

Free Full length smiling ethnic male fitness trainer and plus sized black female in warm jacket jogging together on snowy pathway in frozen winter park Stock Photo
Often times friends can help remind and encourage us towards our goal.


So here’s the deal: If your reason for going to the gym is simply because you’re “supposed to” then it’s not very likely that you’ll stick with it in the long run. Because while it’s important to develop gym consistently, it’s equally important to recognize the value that something brings you.


Try asking yourself: Which parts of health and exercise bring me value? Once you can clearly answer this question you’ll start developing what I call “Personal Desire” (ie. true motivation). Moreover, your personal desires should complement those goals which are meaningful to you.


For instance:


GOAL: I want to get into better shape


Personal Desire: To look my very best for my spouse or significant other


GOAL: I want to lose weight


Personal Desire: To fit into that cute summer outfit and feel better about myself overall


GOAL: I want to exercise consistently after work


Personal Desire: To clear my head of any work-related stress before going home


As you complement your goals with personal desires you equip yourself for long-term success!


DAILY FIT BOOST CHALLENGE: Write out your exercise goals along with your personal desire. As you go through each day, make a conscious effort to shift your focus from your goal to your personal desire!


Related Video: “How to Become Motivated”

Key Takeaways:

  • Passive motivation is another form of just “going through the motions”
  • Motivation can be defined as “personal desire”
  • Make a conscious effort to shift your focus from your goal to your personal desire