Tight Hip Flexors Stretches

Tight Hip Flexors Stretches are one of the most essential stretches for our tip hip flexors and overall well-being. If you sit at a desk job or for prolonged periods throughout the day, chances are you’ve developed tight hip flexors over time. Today’s video offers one of the easiest stretches you can do at home for tight hip flexors!

Hamstring Release Stretch!

Hamstring Release Stretch is an essential component of lower extremity flexibility. This release stretch video goes over how to stretch your hamstring muscle to release tightness and prevent chronic conditions like sciatica.

Proper Driving Position

Proper Driving Position is CRITICAL to preventing neck, shoulder, elbow, and back pain! Today we go into what proper driving position is and why 90% of drivers need to adjust their driving position. Here’s how you can correct muscle imbalances by using proper driving position.