Why We Struggle with Workout Consistency (#4)

If you’re like me, you’ve struggle with consistency in one area or another. (And if you’re really like me, you’ve struggled to keep consistent with playing the guitar!) Arrghhhh! 😒)


I’ve started and stopped the guitar dozens of times!


When I first practiced the guitar I noticed a trend: I’d practice guitar for an hour or so – and then not touch it again for several months! This cycle continued for years until I finally realized that my skill level was a reflection of my consistency (or lack there of).


Developing consistency is something that’s vital for our all-around personal development.  When it comes to exercise consistency, my personal belief has always been quantity over quality. Through my years as a personal trainer, I’ve witnessed far more with the guy who exercises to 4-5 times a week for 15-minutes, than the guy who does intense 1-hour workouts whenever he “has time”.


There’s nothing like the feeling of stacking up consecutive victories!


In my experience I’ve found that success comes from taking small, consistent steps. The awesome part is that taking small, consistent steps can be applied to practically anything:


  • Instead of trying to exercise 5 times a week for 1 hour, trying starting out with 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
  • Maybe commit to reading one chapter a day instead of trying to finish an entire book in one sitting.
  • Rather than setting out to meditate for 20 minutes each day, try three minutes instead


Consistency leads to habits, while habits lead to long-term success. They say it takes 21 days to build a new habit, so determine to develop that 3-week foundation and you’ll be exercising regularly in no time!


Key Takeaways:

  • Your consistency is paramount to your success
  • For developing consistency, quantity of effort means more than quality
  • Trying to do “too much, too soon” can hinder your progress (start off small!)
  • Consistency will lead to your long-term success