Alternating Plank Taps

Alternating Plank Taps are a great way cardio exercise for you to at home without equipment. Not only do these alternating plank taps increase your heart rate, they’re also a great way to work your ab muscles as well. Learn how to confidently do these alternating plank taps exercise safely in just a few steps!


Check out the benefits of home body weight exercises at:

Leg Raises On Floor

Leg Raises On Floor is key aspect of building strong core muscles. When going over leg raises on floor (properly), I provide another alternative for beginners who would still like to do leg raises in a safe manner. Once you learn how to do leg raises on floor you can add this to your normal exercise routine!


Check out the benefits of home body weight exercises at:

How To Do A Reverse Crunch

How To Do A Reverse Crunch is key aspect of building strong core muscles. When going over how to do a reverse crunch (properly) I provide another alternative for beginners who would still like to do a reverse crunch in a safe manner. Once you learn how to do a reverse crunch you can add this to your normal exercise routine!


Learn more about the benefits of other body weight exercises: