Tuesday Tutorial's

Comparing Yourself To Others Motivation

Comparing Yourself To Others Motivation offers insight on the importance of not judging yourself. We ALL need motivation along our fitness journey’s, and the only way you’ll be content with your progress is when you stop comparing yourself to others.

Tuesday Tutorial's

Stress Eating Weight Gain

Stress Eating Weight Gain is something that many of us are not aware of in our fitness journey! Today’s video touches on how stress eating weight gain creeps up on us, and also what to do to prevent this weight gain that comes from stress eating.

Tuesday Tutorial's

How To Drink More Water (When You Don’t Like It)

How To Drink More Water When You Don’t Like It is the key staying adequately hydrated along your fitness journey. Today I’ll show you how to drink more water when you don’t like it by going over my personal proven method of what I call “Water Bombs!”


More on the benefits of water: https://dailyfitboost.com/water-your-exercise-fuel/

Tuesday Tutorial's

Meal Prep Tips For Beginners

Meal prep tips for beginners offers structure meal prep guidelines for fitness beginners. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or meal prep on a budget, these 5 meal prep tips for beginners will help put you on the right track!

Tuesday Tutorial's

Home Exercise For Tennis Elbow

Home exercise for tennis elbow is a simple fix for your tennis elbow pain using just a resistance band! Today’s video goes over how tennis elbow occurs and how to strengthen it using this simple home exercise.

Tuesday Tutorial's

Tight Hip Flexors Stretches

Tight Hip Flexors Stretches are one of the most essential stretches for our tip hip flexors and overall well-being. If you sit at a desk job or for prolonged periods throughout the day, chances are you’ve developed tight hip flexors over time. Today’s video offers one of the easiest stretches you can do at home for tight hip flexors!

Tuesday Tutorial's

Hamstring Release Stretch!

Hamstring Release Stretch is an essential component of lower extremity flexibility. This release stretch video goes over how to stretch your hamstring muscle to release tightness and prevent chronic conditions like sciatica.

Tuesday Tutorial's

Door Frame Chest Stretch!

Door Frame Chest Stretch is an excellent way to stretch out chest tightness and shoulders using a door frame! Easily correct chronic rounded shoulders with this simple door frame chest stretch.

Tuesday Tutorial's

What Is Mind Muscle Connection?

What is mind muscle connection? Today I go over the connection that our mind has with each muscle. This simple explanation of mind muscle connection will help take your workouts to the next level!

Tuesday Tutorial's

Front Forearm Stretch

Front forearm stretch is essential for correcting chronic forearm overuse, as well as tightness from desk jobs. This front forearm stretch is also closely related to elbow and wrist overuse symptoms. Use this front forearm stretch to correct posture imbalances that cause elbow and wrist pain!